Tuesday, October 21, 2014

They Call Me..... Hercules

At my job, the majority of the workers are women in their early 30s which means that it was just a matter of time until it was decided that everyone at work was to receive a Disney character nickname. Today was that day. I braced myself for what was sure to be George Little or John Darling. And let me deviate from this story to explain something really quick (as if I needed to tell you I would do that at some point) The toughest and most humiliating part of my day is between ...meal times when I have to move the large stack of trays which is conveniently located on a shelf which is only eye level for Rapunzel in the highest room of the tallest tower. So I always end up jumping around like a nerd playing tetherball in gym class, only being able to grab like 2 trays at a time and I make 50 trips back and forth like I’m an old person going to the grocery store (if metaphors didn’t exist, neither would my statuses). But for some reason, today I got them all in one jump n scoop maneuver. So whether it be by a God or multiple gods good graces, just as I hoisted the trays up off of the rack like Tarazan lifting the slain jungle cat out of the pit, Maria, the women giving us all our nicknames rounded the corner and she flexed, pointed at me and exclaimed “Fuerte!” which I’m assuming is Spanish for “wow, not only are your jokes hilarious, but you’re strong too!” She then told me that henceforth, my Disney character name was to be…Hercules

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