Saturday, February 18, 2017

The Turing Point

The idea of global warming and widespread pollution makes me angry. However, for me, the most aggravating feeling in the world is when I pull up behind someone at a stoplight and I look down at their license plate and see a combination of letters and numbers that is clearly not an accident. So for the next twenty seconds or so, I'm sitting there like Alan Turing trying to crack the code behind the Enigma machine. Does this mystery necessitate me being a CR-V stalkerish part of this persons' life for the next two and a half miles? Probably not, but that's one of those things where if I am not able to come to some sort of satisfying conclusion as to what I think the person in front of me is trying to communicate, it will probably bother me for the rest of the day. I also used to get really annoyed when I saw an actor in a movie that I recognized from another film or show, but I couldn't remember which one. However, that is no longer a problem thanks to the computer, which also owes a debt of gratitude to Alan Turing. Thanks Alan!

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