Thursday, April 19, 2018

Hopeless Shopper and the Goblet of Flavorlessness

So far, since moving out on my own I have accidentally purchased plantains instead of bananas, extra crunchy peanut butter instead of normal peanut butter that doesn’t serve as a viable alternative to gravel and avocado flavored Ranch dressing instead of regular ranch dressing because I firmly believe that not everything needs to taste like avocados. In what is now the fourth  installment of “My Mistakes at Market Basket” I accidentally bought an apple juice labeled “Tots First Apple Juice” which boasts about having 40% less sugar which is kind of the equivalent of me bragging about my income to my dad. “Hey you know that useful stuff that you love? Well, this things got wayyy less of it!” So, if I resort back to “baby babble” and throwing a tantrum about eating fruits and vegetables, you all know why. I paid for it, so I’m going to drink it, but the plan is to start paying attention and sincerely hope that there is not a follow up to Hopeless Shopper and the Goblet of Flavorlessness.

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