If any adults in Education are feeling inept about their ability to connect with their students, listen up! If any parent feels out of the loop in furthering their relationship with their child, read on for a comforting confession of conflict-resolution that will most likely leave one saying "Hey, at least I have not done THAT!"
At youth group we were playing nine square which is like a hybrid between four square and volleyball, because there are over double the number of squares and the ball is hit up through the squares instead of down. The makers of the game rejected the initial name of Squalleyball because of the number of inebriated boat captains and peg-legged pirates that showed up to the initial match given a misinterpretation of the names meaning. While I was not personally involved in the marketing of the game, based on my experience I can only imagine their slogan is something like "Hey, are you too short for basketball, but would still like to experience all of the fun of a torn ACL that comes from landing wrong after going up for a rebound?? Have we got a game for you!" I know us vertically challenged people like to say things like "I'm not short, I'm fun sized" and "God only builds people until they are perfect." Personally, I have never gotten "dunked" on in nine square and recounted the event to my friends as "fun" and I highly doubt that God is watching "Spiritual Sportscenter" sees me get spiked in the face and thinks "Perfect! Just the way I drew it up!" So, one afternoon I am waiting in line talking to one of the senior high students about his plans after high school. He says "I am joining the marines." After sifting through my cerebellum and finding a similar subject to keep the conversation going I selected and said out loud "Oh, I watched the Army vs Navy football game this weekend." I thought, he mentioned a branch of the military and I mentioned two, so, if anything I am "up" 2-1. I then patiently waited for him to return the volley of the vibration of vocal cords. He looked at me blankly as if to say "I told you I am going to serve my country and you responded by telling me someone served you pizza....." and I thought "YES! Another similarity." So again, to anyone reading this, you may feel "uncool" or "out of touch" take some confidence and comfort from knowing that you have not done that.