Saturday, December 16, 2023

The Sting of the Spelling Bee

 Today in the 2nd grade classroom I gave my first spelling test. I went slightly off script so I just walked around the classroom like:













Friday, December 15, 2023

Amazon Crime

 It's that special time of year when I will be driving down the road and see an Amazon truck on one side of the road and a FedEx truck on the other and I tightly grip the steering wheel and brace for shots fired. 

Thursday, December 14, 2023

Harry Water and the Sorcerer of Groans

 Unlike Harry Potter, my glasses are more of a rectangle than a circle. Also, the results of my series of surgeries have left me with scars that do not look like a lightning bolt but the scars on my chest more closely resemble that streak of fluffy fart clouds planes leave in the sky. However, I can't help but feel like Mark may not be a muggle as I empty the dishwasher, the most effective strategy for getting the water out of the straws is in fact the "swish and flick" hand motion whilst saying the phrase "wick water lavabamos a me hermosa." While the long-term and internal effects of this spell remain to be seen, it appears to be a mood-altering spell as it causes a happy and otherwise content person to become immediately upset.

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Christmas Car-ols

 I don't do a real Christmas tree anymore. However, I do park outside and given how windy it has been lately every morning as I go to leave about one trees worth of pine and sticks slides off of my roof. 

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Voicemail: Unabridged Version

 I will never know what it feels like to have the mic snatched from my hands by the emcee at a vicious rap battle, nor will I experience a moderator interjecting as I reach my time limit in laying out my case for office at a heated presidential debate. However, this morning I was leaving someone a voicemail and it just cut out and I was like "Hey, I was still talking!" but then I looked down at the phone and went "Dang, 2:30?!?! I really have got to learn to be more concise 😏😏😏 but would you really expect anything less from me???